Storytellers Guide
The “Key” to Christmas: A Timeless Story For All Time – Storyteller’s Guide, is a great way to teach your students about the true meaning of Christmas. The format enables you to read the book to a group of students in a classroom setting or at a school-wide assembly. As you read the story from the Storyteller’s Guide, you will be prompted when to project the corresponding PowerPoint graphic onto your smart board or big screen. You can read through the book at your own pace, stopping periodically to discuss key points with your students. With a little creativity, you can leave a lasting impression on your students. Some ideas to consider . . .
- Play your favorite Christmas music softly in the background while reading the book.
- Have a student read Lillie’s letter to Santa (page 6) and another student read Santa’s letter to Lillie (page 18). (You can even have the student dress up like Santa).
- Have the upper class students read the story to the younger students.
- You, or another teacher, can dress up as “The Spirit of Christmas” and read the book to the students. Then, discuss what they can do to live the “Spirit of Christmas” throughout the Christmas season and beyond.
- Incorporate the “Fun Activities for Your Kids” as a follow up activity.
Start a new tradition at your school!
The Storyteller’s Guide set comes with a small present similar to the one given to Lillie by Santa. After reading this book with you, your students can also experience the “key” to Christmas by opening the “present” and using it, as Lillie did, to remind them to live the Spirit of Christmas all year.
The “present” in the gold box is a five inch gold key that can be placed on your school’s Christmas tree during the Christmas Season. You can decorate your key by using ribbons that represent your school colors. At the conclusion of the Christmas Season, as in the story, the key can be strategically placed by the main exit to remind students to live the “Spirit of Christmas” all year.
Should students want their own personal copy of the book and key, parents can purchase a book/key set for their child and they, too, can make The “Key” to Christmas a family tradition in their home. * A portion of the proceeds will be donated to your school.
Teaching Values . . . Changing Attitudes . . . Building Character
As we struggle through these tough economic times, the solutions to the problems we face are both complex and slow to materialize. Jesus gave us the simple answer, but mankind still doesn’t get it! While we can’t change the world, as Christians, we can certainly change the world around us.
The “Key” to Christmas: A Timeless Story For All Time is a unique resource that can help your students understand that the true Spirit of Christmas is not in receiving gifts, but is found in the simple act of giving. And, when we give of ourselves, our time or our talents without wanting anything in return, good things will come back to us in some form . . . some way . . . some day.
The “Key” to Christmas: A Timeless Story For All Time. It’s educational, inspirational and life changing!
1 Storyteller’s Guide/Gold Key – $30.00
Package Set:
1 Storyteller’s Guide/Gold Key
1 Key to Christmas Book/Gold Key – $50.00